Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Final Week at the MTC

Ahoy, ahoy!

Hey guys, it’s p-day and, yes, it's the last p-day at the MTC! Pretty cool, huh? It seemed like just yesterday when I got here but now it's time to ship out. So, yes, on Thursday we got our travel plans. We leave on Monday the 9th and go to SLC at noon then get to Atlanta around 5pm and have a two-hour.  Then it's a straight 12 hour flight to Buenos Aires where someone will pick us up and tell us the plan from there.

The MTC decided they wanted a person who could only remember being on a plane once (when he was seven) to be the travel leader to lead a pack of 7 freaked out boys to another country—yeah that travel leader would be me. In the words of Gob Bluth from Arrested Development "COME ON!" It's not really that big of a deal (But in my mind I make it a big 'time to freak out' deal). From what I understand about being a travel leader (they gave me a little piece of paper explaining it) that if anything goes wrong (delayed flights, flight changes, Lloyd Christmas jumping onto the airport tarmac, etc.) then I have to call the church travel office and try to fix things. That and I have to make sure everyone is at the right place and everything. We have a pretty chill flight group. Half of the group is from my district and the other half are from another district who are also going to Salta. It's 8 guys including me and everyone is really nice and chill so I think we can figure this thing out. But on the days I am flying, will you guys pray that everything will be alright? I know it will be, I just get worried sometimes.

Thank you! It’s a busy p-day. I have to usher at the devotional tonight and go to the temple (which I thought was closed) today so sorry if this letter is sloppy. I'll try to write you another letter (and hopefully another email) before I leave.

Hosting was fun.  Seeing all the parents say goodbye to their kids made me miss you guys but, on the other hand, I’m glad I don't have to do the first day at the MTC all over again—that was a long day. El espanol es bueno. Es dificil un tiempos, pero puedo hablar las cosas quiero hablar (hopefully Carly can translate that) but the Spanish and the teaching are fine. It's surprising how much you can learn in 2 months and they said in Argentina you are going to learn Spanish much faster cause you’re speaking it all the time. I feel like maybe I should be worried more about Spanish and teaching but I’m really not.  I hope that’s a good thing, ha-ha.

I'm getting along with everybody. We had some guys that are going to the Guatemala MTC that bunked with us for awhile (3 weeks) but they are leaving today. We didn’t do anything for New Years, just slept at midnight. It was kind of a bummer but it was alright. I think that has been the only time since I was 8 that I didn’t stay up until midnight for New Years. Oh yeah, that kid from Farmington, New Mexico is Adam Morrow. I remembered you wanted to know what his mom's name was. Well, I forgot to ask him and I just remembered now, sorry.  He's a cool kid, though.

So what do we so about calling cards at the airport? I heard you can call home on a payphone then just tell you the number of the payphone and hang up and you would call me on the payphone and it would charge the phone bill to you guys...make sense? Whatever is the easier way, just tell me. I'll probably call you guys at Atlanta so just stay by the phone on Monday.

I may need more stamps and address stickers. Also, thanks to everyone that sent me letters this week and for Christmas. I wish I could all write you back, I love you.

Well, I guess I should go have Elder Leechman check the mail for that “Dear Elder” you sent and I’ll go write the other letter home.

I love you guys so, so, so, so much and hope you had a great New Year. Please, if you have any questions for me, write me. I love you guys so much, pray for me, it's all good! :)


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